John Dean (1772-1864)
Millatiah (Millie) Ellis Dean (1776-1812)
Prudence Fuller Dean (1775-1864)
John Dean (1808-1888)
Sarah T. Hawkins Dean (1815-1893)

Born in South Dedham on September 26, 1772, John Dean (often referred to as John Dean, Jr. or John Dean, II) was the son of John Dean and Mary Morse Dean. The Dean family, including John Dean, held homesteads along today’s Dean Street. They were farmers.
On September 19, 1793, John Dean married Millatiah (“Millie”) Ellis, the daughter of Joseph and Meriam Lewis Ellis. John and Millie had seven children: Lemuel, Mary, Mary D. (who later married Dean Chickering), Hannah, Milley E., Miriam L., and John.
Millie Ellis Dean died on March 27, 1812, leaving her husband with several small children. He remarried on December 11, 1813. His second wife was Prudence Fuller, born on September 28, 1775. [Records indicate that Prudence Fuller married Jason Babcock on December 22, 1797. This may have been her second marriage.]
Prudence Dean died on January 10, 1864. She was 89. John Dean died on May 5, 1864 at the age of 91.
John Dean (III), born in 1808, was the youngest child of John Dean (1772-1864) and Millie Ellis Dean (1776-1812). Like his grandfather and father before him, John Dean became a farmer. On April 30, 1866, he married Sarah T. Hawkins, also of Dedham. Both were in their 50s when they wed. John died on June 17, 1888 and Sarah Hawkins Dean died on March 5, 1893.
